Advocacy provides you and your business with a voice. Whether through the presentation of simple statements or in-depth campaigns on issues important to you, advocacy makes sure that your point of view is represented and clearly heard by the community and decision-makers.
Effective advocacy that the Chamber of Commerce can provide is a vehicle for finding your voice and driving it forward towards a positive reaction. The Chamber of Commerce seeks to provide the active support of advocacy, building respect for your views and promoting the voices of the people and organizations that place their trust in us.
Public Policy Committee
The Public Policy Committee meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 a.m. to identify local issues impacting business; to make recommendations to the Chamber’s Board of Directors on improving the business climate through advocacy. Applications to serve on the committee are available and should be mailed to the Chamber Office at 303 W. Kirby, Champaign, IL 61820.
Committee Chair: Todd Higginbotham
Chamber Lead: Madeline Herrman
Interested in participating in the Chamber's Public Policy Committee? CLICK HERE to view the application.
Champaign County's Business Empowered PAC
The Champaign County Business Empowered Political Action Committee (PAC) meets as needed to identify and to make endorsements of business friendly candidates for state and local office. Applications for a PAC board position should be mailed to the Chamber Office at 303 W. Kirby, Champaign, IL 61820, or e-mailed to Public Policy Director Madeline Herrman.

These guiding statements outline the Chamber’s general posture in the areas that affect the business environment and quality of life in the community. They guide the Chamber board, staff and committees as issues arise in the areas that impact the business environment.
Purpose of the Statements
These guiding statements outline the Chamber’s general posture in the areas that affect the business environment and quality of life in the community. They guide the Chamber board, staff and committees as issues arise in the areas that impact the business environment. The statements provide a reference for any party wishing to know the Chamber’s general position; and they help prioritize where the Chamber should focus its efforts in improving the business and economic environment. The Chamber pays attention to policies and actions at the state, regional and local level and advocates for members by lobbying elected officials and partnering with pro-business organizations.
There are several critical community elements that need to be successful in order for the business community to experience success. These statements attempt to address all areas specifically with relationship to business.
Guiding Statements
Taxes & Fees:
The Champaign County Chamber of Commerce supports a competitive and fair tax climate that promotes and fosters economic growth through private sector expansion.
The Champaign County Chamber of Commerce supports legislation that emphasizes Free Enterprise. The Chamber believes the Free Market System is the most efficient and profitable way to conduct business.
Workers’ Compensation:
The Champaign County Chamber of Commerce supports the efforts to reform the workers’ compensation system through legislation that considers the impact on business’ bottom line. Additionally, the Chamber supports reform that adds protection from fraud and lessens the anti-business bias of the current system.
Transportation & Infrastructure:
The Champaign County Chamber of Commerce believes transportation and infrastructure are vital to the region’s economic growth and strives to promote commerce through our transportation systems; which include Willard Airport and public transportation.
Land-Use Policy:
A well-considered land use policy should allow for efficient infrastructure development, planned developments and healthy integration of neighborhood and business regions. Policies should be consistent across the county with regard to building codes, drainage policies, permitting process, etc.
The Chamber supports efforts to grow Champaign County through business attraction, business friendly legislation, business retention, infrastructure development, job growth and population growth.
The Champaign County Chamber of Commerce supports investment in quality education. The Chamber advocates consistent and ongoing communication and collaboration, creating and expanding cost-effective opportunities for training, and building partnerships with education providers. The future success of our children is dependent on the quality, rigor, and relevance of the education offered in our schools.
The Chamber supports the enhancement, profitability, and efficiencies of agricultural operations and agribusiness, as well as protects the rights of landowners and business owners to operate their business in a competitive environment.
The Champaign County Chamber of Commerce supports access to healthcare without imposition of burdensome employer mandates and unfunded mandates.
Intergovernmental Cooperation:
The Champaign County Chamber of Commerce strongly supports increased collaboration and sharing of resources between local units of government to increase the cost effectiveness and the efficiency of service delivery to taxpayers and business.
Quality of life is a major factor in attracting the most highly qualified workers and businesses to the area. The Chamber supports organizations and initiatives that improve the quality of life in the county. The over-riding principles in these Guiding Statements are that the Champaign County Chamber of Commerce supports the free enterprise system; policies and regulations should add value to business and improve, not hinder, a firm’s competitive ability; elected officials should find ways to minimize bureaucracy and reduce the number of agencies, especially where duplicative or competitive.
The Champaign County Chamber of Commerce advocates for your business to elected officials at the Federal, State, and Local levels of government.
Locally elected officials:
- Champaign City Council
- Urbana City Council
- Village of Savoy
- Village of Rantoul
- Village of Fisher Board
- Champaign County Board
Statewide Elected Officials:
Federally Elected Officials:
Champaign County First (CC1) is a united, countywide effort to identify projects and/or initiatives that, when successfully completed, will greatly benefit the citizens of Champaign County; spur economic development; and improve the quality of life in Champaign County. Champaign County First partners are committed to advocating on behalf of the identified projects at the local, state and/or federal level with one voice in order to transform Champaign County.
Every year, the Chamber organizes CC1’s Annual D.C. Fly-In. Participants travel to Washington D.C. and meet with administration officials, elected officials and agencies to advocate for projects that have been identified as beneficial to the economic development and the quality of life in Champaign County.
Champaign County First is a partnership between the Chamber, several community organizations and municipalities within the county.